University Library System
University Library System

Digital collections

The University Library System makes available some significant digitized collections relating to a wide spectrum of disciplines, in the wake of the scientific and experimental tradition that has always characterized the University of Padua.

To enhance its ancient and valuable heritage, the Library System has chosen Phaidra, a platform to manage digital objects with long-term archiving functions.



Phaidra is a platform for managing and archiving digitised collections. Phaidra is the acronym for Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets.

Simple to use, Phaidra provides access to a wide range of multimedia objects like images, documents, books, audio, music, video, and teaching resources.

Anyone can search and browse the digital collections stored in the system. Items can be uploaded only by librarians of the Library System and, with appropriate authorisation, by University users and other institutions.

Thanks to a controlled licensing system, the resources in Phaidra can be re-used for teaching or research purposes without infringing copyright law.