University Library System
University Library System

Request or suggest the purchase of bibliographic resources

Institutional users of the University of Padua can contribute to enriching the bibliographic heritage of the University Library System libraries by submitting requests or suggestions for the purchase of works for research and teaching purposes by filling in an online form on GalileoDiscovery (with Single Sign-On – SSO authentication).

Faculty members wishing to purchase a book on a research fund must submit the request to the library using the online form available on GalileoDiscovery, specifying the name of the research fund to be charged. Once the availability of funds for the research fund has been verified, the library will place the order.
Books purchased on research funds are part of the University's library holdings and their management is handled by the library. They are loaned according to the University Library System lending policies.


Guest users may make purchase suggestions by contacting their reference library directly.